Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Thing About Guest Stars

They don't last long. I can't say how many people have come and left in my life. Especially when it comes to friends I've made that I've been forced to leave behind. My favorite therapist of all time that I lost when I moved and that I'll never talk to again. Even if I returned to that town, I'm an adult now and he won't see me. Even if I saw him outside of the therapy office he wouldn't be allowed to talk to me. And, what would I even say? I didn't know much about him other then that he loves superheroes and commonly had action figures around his office. I don't know him at all.

That's the thing with guest stars. We learn a little about them in the short time we got to see them, but eventually they'll leave and we'll never learn more. Sometimes they come back, but only for an episode here and there. Never will they be main characters again. Like, with Anatomy. She's my stepsister who is from another state far, far away to where I'll never be able to see her. Soon she'll return to her proper place and be gone out of our lives for what could be forever. We might see her in a special episode, but she'll never be a part of the major cast again.

It's not always that way though. think my mom and Zeus are two examples. My mom left me twice. Once for five months, so a season or maybe even half a season while later she left for an entire year and maybe even two seasons. I believe season eight she left in and season ten she returned in. But, she came back. And, when I switched schools for four years I left it to where Zeus and I weren't even friends. Still, over time we made up online and over the years he was a guest star for the big events, and then eventually he became a main character in my last year of high school.

Anatomy and I were talking. She said she feels like she's just a guest star on other people's shows. I can see that. Personally, I think that she would make an amazing series. It would have lots of twists and would be different from my own where it would be featured with flashbacks that she's getting. Still, I can see what she means. She never feels like she's the main person in her life. Like, she's always second to her mom or brother. Even now, she feels like she's on mine or her father's show as a guest star.

Guest stars come and go. That would be a problem to be one. Except, for some people I was that guest star. For my friends I left at my old school they all continued to be the main characters and my character was the one to leave. The story of life doesn't always directly follow me. That's the thing about guest stars, they come and go, but you would rather have them in the long run. Because they make those episodes that more special.

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