Saturday, April 18, 2015

Skip, Skip

There I was in the moment to end my friendship with Gem when it happened. The same thing happened when I arrived at dress rehearsal only to find the rest of stage crew failed to arrive, after only my first week, I was put to the test. It happened before when a tree had fallen onto my step dad nearly killing him. All those moments were skipped into one small second that seems to have slipped away from my grasp. In my last blog I learned I couldn't travel back into time - or even freeze the moment - but nobody said I couldn't use one more skip card?

Come my graduation year I will be heading towards my destiny, wherever it lies. So much will be happening that I can't even comprehend it all. For one I'll be starting up a club, trying to anyway, that's for writing at school. Secondly, I'm started to work on a big project that involves taking my favorite characters and story lines from past stories combining them into one big story. Thirdly, I'm trying to re-sing all the quirky songs I've come up with over the years but sense I'm a terrible singer it'll be for people I know close or maybe I'll post it on here. Finally, Zeus and I are going to be heading to visit Virus a few days after graduation passes.

So it makes sense why I would want to fast forward through all the complications I been dealing me lately. In the future I won't have to worry about the future because it'll be the future. At least that's what I want to think. The truth is this moment right now was once the future I so forth worried about. The only difference is I know what happens now but I won't know about next week or next month. So let's skip this entire scene, let's not chicken out or mess up in Drama anymore.
To the future!

Finally here at my Senior and final year of High Schools! It's been a crazy ride to get here but I sure am glad it's finally reaching it's end. I have begun a group at writing school I call "Spirit's Fire," and it's really hit off! At least seven people have already signed up so it looks like it'll be a big hit. I've already neared finishing my music collection, and my huge big story is way ahead of plan. So much so I could start it now. I even started going to the gym over the summer so I'm so much more in shape. The best part is I have all my friends beside me. 

Except, I don't. Zeus has become pretty serious with this girlfriend of his that he barely has any time for me even during school hours. Reed is currently off  working on his training duties for the United States Army. Gem has switched to a career tech school and no longer wants anything to do with me. Carlos hasn't been the same sense the innocent he experienced over the summer. And, HP doesn't seem to return my messages. 

With my all other activities taking over I haven't been able to keep up with my schoolwork and started to fall behind. I'm on the urge of giving up now that I have to take gym this upcoming semester. Something I've weaseled myself out sense seventh grade. Now I'm being told I don't have enough credits to graduate at all... This future isn't far enough to reach my happy ever after. 

To the future!

Today is the day I been working towards all my life, the day I graduate. Sitting in the crowd are my parents, all my siblings, my grandmother, my aunts and uncles, my grandparents, my cousins, and sitting way in the back is my father with a proud smile planted on his face. Zeus standing not far from me in his own red robe giving me a thumbs up as my name is called. Even Reed has taken a break from his army training to watch me grab that diploma. Everyone I care about is here watching the moment my life takes a drastic leap.

Just a few days later I traveled half way across the country to find Virus with my best friend Zeus and his fiance. After the long bus ride we stay in a hotel that night, watching funny movies, and being the three musketeers we're always meant to be. Come morning we each greet Virus at long last but it takes a while to get over the nervous tension. When it's all over we go out to eat before testing jelly and jello to see if they're similar.

After a week we return home to find a trip to New York awaiting us where I sign up to go to NYU. It's then that my favorite people I've met over the years, my greatest friends, all move in around me and go to similar schools within the city. But, then we all become so busy that we barely see each other. It's then that Zeus is drastically hit by a bus leaving him paralyzed. This future isn't as good as I thought it would be... let's speed it along.

To the future!

It's been a few months sense college started to go south and I was forced to drop out. Virus had to return back home because she said I was holding her back. It's been two years and Zeus is still unable to fully move his body. The thing is I knew this would happen from visions back when I was a child so this is completely my fault. There was only one thing I could possibly do now; I shaved my head and began to live as a non-religious monk.

It was then that my psychic abilities came in full throttle and I was able to become a prophet. But, problems persisted when nobody believed my visions until it was far too late. Then, they blamed me for the disasters that followed. I wasn't just friendless but now I was on the run from the law so I had to do something. I let Jason, the voice in my head, take control and what he did with it is out of my realm of possibility. A mixture of destiny and insanity. Because, it's then that I lost all commission. The future is a dark place, can we go back?

To the past!

Second guessing things here guys, perhaps the future isn't all it's cracked up to be? It'll still have it's own problems and complications. I'll still be waiting for the future until at one point I will beg to return to this exact moment. This wasted moment that I'm using by sitting here typing a blog nobody will read while a fan blows onto my face. Wasting away my Saturday instead of working on any of my senior plans. Instead of working on my skip I'll remain in the present enjoying this wasted moment. 

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