Thursday, April 2, 2015

Tale of the Time Traveling Jacket

The future is a dark and scary place but in the end we all know that we're heading towards some sort of future, as time is always moving forward. Unless time isn't all that simple, if time is simply an object of our imagination or something that we can alter. Throughout my life I have undergone many struggles, never having the capability to make any of my own decisions but now was the moment of where everything and everyone was waiting on me to make a choice. Now is the time full of both the good and bad. For now I just need to hit that big pause button. 

Currently the voice in my head and I are for the first time ever at a temporary truce in the middle of our war, which he is currently winning. If this continues he will either break my remaining bricks of sanity or force his way into the real world wrecking havoc in his mists.

Secondly, Gem and I sort of have plans tomorrow except I really don't want to go. As I started before I don't want to be with her or even continue this false friendship we have in tact. Every time I try to explain my reasoning she tells me how great of friends we are together. When morning comes I either have to suck it up and suffer or tell her the deepening truth.

The third reason is the website I'm on just nominated me member of the month. It's a huge honor but I know in sometime I'll come to mess it up. For the first time ever I have found a place where I'm truly happy, even if it exists online, but the better things seem to go the worse they have to get. If this moment was frozen forever I could always cherish it.

Next on the list is the practice show for my Drama class coming up the sixth, nobody seems prepared and my only allies involved seemed to have fallen off their rails. I don't get the impression that Zeus is as excited about the play as I had originally thought and I'm worried that he's not making the best decisions. Even if he's truly okay like he claims he still doesn't seem to want to be involved which scares me that he'll do something hectic. Not to mention that Reed has been off his game the past few days due to the teacher stressing him out past his limit.

Finally, I know I'm reaching one of those endings I described in "Cut and Finish," and eventually the end of my story. I'm not ready to face any possible closer to the book I been living all these years but eventually I'll have no choice. It's sort of scary once you look at all the possibilities and come to a concision of what you want. I know what I want guys, I want to go for it, but it just seems so far out of reach. If the universe would do me a favor and take a break for a while I would be more then pleased.

Except, it can't. Time cannot stop for one single person no matter how much we wish it can. That doesn't mean that time cannot go back though, changing something we didn't even think we could change. I have a story to share with you all about the time an object of mine traveled through time in a mind shattering moment for my tiny brain. It's the Tale of the Time Traveling Jacket!

Back in middle school I had a grey hoodie that I would wear everywhere, it was something I rarely took off and barely ever washed. Despite my obsession I would constantly lose it, leaving it behind in nearly ever class. That's where the story of the time traveling jacket started on that fateful day, heading down the hallway is when we saw it...

Let's back up for a second to a few months ahead when life was heading down a spiral of confusion. I started a innocent middle school relationship for starters, my mom had just gotten out of jail six months prior, and my father decided to drop the bombshell that he's secretly an angel. At that point in my life I believed him and I was looking for something to believe in.

All in all that could have been my reasoning behind what happened, but no matter how much sociology I try to interpret into it I still believe that this jacket had traveled through time. It seems every time I tell this little tale every one considers it as a childhood act of fiction. If that was the case I wouldn't be so obsessed with it. It's like the entire thing was plotted out against me from the beginning.

Let me explain, there was this girl I felt I had a crush on back in elementary school without realizing those feelings weren't at all what I thought, they felt like we had a connection. Sometimes we'd have the same dream, she'd tell me about it while I was all the same freaking out because it was near to exactly like mine except from her point of view. This girl was beside me in the hall that day so she'll always be important to me, even if we fell out of touch. But, I was right about the fact we had some sort of connection. Later she became my step sister for a few months, but that's a story for later.

The three of us ventured down that hall to find a small grey jacket which we quoted was much like mine, the one I was wearing at the time, and how it was a mere coincidence. As the day went on I found to have lost my poor hoodie a total of three times. When I left it in my last class of the day I ran back to get it only to find it wasn't there. I was one of the last people to leave, my teacher was still there, and he said nobody took it. Well, when I retraced all my steps I ended up finding it on that window seal. The same position it was this morning, with my name on it, but my friends didn't think it was strange at all.

For years I couldn't get it out of my head as to why that could have happened but later a similar moment happened. I discovered that music was the key and that freezing time was possible. It usually happens when I try meditating or have to wait a long time where the same song seems to play forever until an hour has passed or an event came to an end. So manipulating time is possible but it's simply an illusion of the mind. That is unless some external force is trying to toy with me in some sick game I cannot control. What if that game is simply the realization of how life works? If that's the case I have to face my past, my future, and of course my present.

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