Sunday, April 19, 2015

Case of the Quirky Duck

Quack, quack, quack, quack.

What's that? You don't speak duck? Me either, but I do speak quirks almost professional. It's a mixture of my High Function Autism and my newly diagnosed Bipolar traits. When I was told both of those things I shivered in my feathers. Just the fact that something was actually wrong with me threw me for a curve ball. In fact when the autism came up I waddled back and forth for hours pacing.

This is what keeps me from doing what I want - even going to New York may lead to complications despite the destiny involved. So far working backstage on Drama has been a killer as I'm barely able to stay useful all while worrying about breaking things, again. If it wasn't for me being one of the only stage crew to regularly show up I'm sure they would have fired me. It doesn't seem like I'll be able to hold down a serious job much like my father or grandmother. I'll need to be on disability if I ever want to pay the bills.

Most of my flaws boil down to when I'm around other people, I don't do well in flocks but I'm better on a one on one. If I'm alone with someone we can become good friends but if others are around I'm awkward and nervous. If you got to know me I would be able to tell the appropriate jokes at the appropriate time. At least I would try to, but when in a group it doesn't work out the same way. I'm also much better with drakes then normal ducks as explains my complicated relationship with Gem.

Despite my flaws though, and there are a lot of them, there are still a lot of good qualities about me. I'm clever, friendly, clean, respectful, helpful, good at writing, brilliant with ideas, and when it comes down to it I'm reliable. Even though I'm not handling everything right now somehow it'll all turn out okay. As the clock for the show ticks down things will heat up but according to the my history they won't go up in flames. I'll explain, let me tell you a little tail.

Once upon a time in the big pond of a dangerous city fate was at play. As it turns out my step father had the smart idea of cutting down a tree without telling anyone he was out there. If it wasn't for me being called out there by Jason's wishes my step dad would have likily died that day. When the branch came down, trapping him underneath, I acted. Normally I wouldn't even touch a tree avoiding the texture and germs it would give off but here I didn't think I just did. Luckily a year later he was able to help create a beautiful duckling. It's almost as if Jason had caused the accident for his own plans, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here we'll get to that.

All I'm saying is when things come down to it, I follow through. Not always with my stories, my chores, or even remembering to eat but if the stakes were high enough I'm sure I'd write that book, clean the house, or eat an entire buffet. So when the play comes around, despite my flaws, I'm sure I'll figure it out. Even if I have to take over for Reed as I'm now his understudy. Time is running short on that one.

Time is always running out, especially now, as I have five days until I have to step up to the plate and swing hoping for a home run. Or kick that ball through the hoop or throw the not-so-pig-skin throw the broken fork. Yeah, I don't know much about about sports. Point is I may be duck, falling on my beak due to my webbed feet but in the end I'll stand up and I'll soar higher then I ever have flown before. In five days I will wobble across stage and flip those panels. In five months I will begin my Senior year where I will graduate no matter what. In five years I will have published my first book or be finishing up college. Within these past five minutes I have crafted and solved the greatest mystery of all time, I solved the case of the quirky duck.

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