Monday, April 27, 2015

Charizard to the Present!

This entire month I been talking about time stopping, pausing, and fast forwarding. I mentioned the future, the past, but never the present. Currently, I just finished the greatest project I was ever part of; Shrek the Musical. My step dad changed jobs, my step sister has returned to live with us for a few weeks and possibly the entire summer, and I made plans with Reed, Zeus, and Gem which made me realize something. In the mix of everything I had forgotten about my Pokemon, having fun, and overall my Charizard.

I wish I could say I had time now, but with homework, writing projects, and friends in my life I don't have much time at all. I could always wait twenty or so days until school is over, but there is one huge proublem with that. It's the future. With that attitude I couldn't ever get anything done. If I keep pushing things off to tomorrow they'll never become today. How in the world do I change that?

I could just play. It's almost crazy to think about dropping everything I'm supposed to do, but in reality all those things I'm supposed to do are things I can do tomorrow. That leaves me at another dilemma. If I push those tasks to tomorrow, I won't get them done today. Now I'm stuck, because there isn't any way for me to get everything done in one small single day. So that leaves me with little options but to do what I always do. 

I could do nothing, nothing at all. Instead of  doing some of what I want, some of what I need, all of what I want, or all of what I need.. I usually end up doing none of the above. My poor little Charizard doesn't get his tummy rubbed yet again, his little tail eventually burning out after nine years of trying to keep it's fire alive. Poor, Poor Charizard. What choice do I make? Play it or do nothing? It will greatly impact the sake of my poor Charizard. 

Luckily, for me there is a third option. I choose priorities. I take what I need to do today, and what I want to do today. Everything else is okay to put off until I have more time or it becomes more important. So I can write, do some homework that's due, and then turn around and play some good ole Pokemon! Because, if I don't my Charizard will be lost in tomorrow forever. I think I'm done living in the past or living in the future. The present needs me more after all. 

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