Sunday, September 27, 2015

Jason on Steroids.

I started taking a new medication, and so far it's broken my mental stability wide open. I had to come home from school early on Friday because of how bad it was. An intense feeling of fear, a drilling sound effects that seemed to bounce up and down, and the voice in my head screaming at me calling me a baby and a loser for leaving earlier or for having trouble with an assignment. It was like Jason was on steroids.

I been told that medication makes it gets worse before it can get better, but after not taking it for two days I realized it might be the meds at all. We talked to the doctor and he said it shouldn't have taken effect that fast. I talked to Zeus and he said he didn't trust doctors or the fact I didn't start to act all wonky until I started taking this new meds. As he stated, "relapse," as we sat at lunch together with popcorn in my hands.

What is Jason's plan? Obviously he wants my baby brother so he can free himself from me. I could also have a child of my own and he could exit from me that way. He could also rip himself away from me, which would instantly kill me and leave him without a vessel. I could also do this sort of ritual thing that will take all my psychic power and allow him to escape. But, it's really complicated and I'm not sure I could go through with it. Not that I ever plan on helping Jason be released into the real world. He's straight out evil and wants to burn it to the ground.

But, why? Where does Jason come from? Why is he inside of me? Why does me being drunk or on medication only make him stronger? Can he really get strength from my weakness? Are my disasters, his steroids?

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