Wednesday, September 23, 2015

All Fall Down

Poseidon is switching schools, Gem is gone, Mist is planning on moving away, Reed hasn't come back from training so he might have gone straight into the army, my own father is getting remarried and moving away, and Virus seems distant. I don't know what's going on. It's just going to be me and Zeus like it was always meant to be... and that makes him the perfect target.

Jason has threatened people in the past, sometimes they'll get hurt if I don't abide by his rules. For example my mother had pains and my sister got sun burnt on a day I refused to do such a simple task he wanted. Something my mom said after the tree fell on my step dad still chills me to the bone. "What if Jason caused it?". It takes the whole psychic to a whole new level, it makes me perfectly normal, with the devil living inside of me. I said before I'm tempted to make the deal with Satan and if Jason is Satan all along... we'll in the end we'll all fall down.

In the past Jason has threatened to take everyone away from me one by one. If Zeus isn't going anywhere in any other way I worry Jason will straight out attack him. It's been done before. I been attacked myself by some force that plays a powerful part in the endgame of my life. It makes me wonder how him and the girl with black hair are connected. If he's in danger there has to be something I can do to put a stop to Jason once and for all. But, he's more powerful then I thought.

Once he convinced me to drink a bunch of salt water before bed in an attempt to kill him because I believed he was a demon. He got me to go outside to check on my step dad. It's hard to tell my own thoughts from his orders so a lot of the time I just go to bed hoping to wake up normal. Jason is very power - real or fake - and nothing I have tried works.

When you're alone, when you're weak, that's when I'll take over. 

To quote Jason he said this line many times before. Jason says that we have lived this trial over and over through many lifetimes. His plan is to possess me or a baby before they turn one years old. My baby brother is still at risk, and for some reason Jason wants me to sacrifice him so he can possess me. I couldn't ever hurt a tiny hair on my brother, but if he was possessed by Jason I'm not sure which side I'd pick. It's been haunting my nightmares that Jason takes him and his first words are an insult to me to prove that he won.

If Jason wins not only I, but my friends, family, and the world could fall.

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