Monday, September 28, 2015

My Character Guide

As of September 28th, 2015 these are all the main characters that I've mentioned through my blog. As we enter Act two of my life I'm afraid the cast of characters is about to undergo a major change. So here is a list of all the main characters from Act one. This is too help everyone keep everyone from act one together

 My mom and step dad are the first characters, and the creators of my baby brother. We get close to the end of this chapter leaving them in a pretty twisty spot. With my mom slipping into what she thinks is postpartum depression and my step dad about to land a job that could change all our troubles.

Mist is the next character I thought I'd talk about. With the shocking cliffhanger of our chapter ending, with my gradation, she is currently "finding herself," and moved back in although we aren't sure for how long. Let me just say she loves cats so much so she actually has a cat shirt.

Zeus is my best friend, currently dating an amazing girl that I'd like to hang out with a little more. He's really smart, but uses most of his brain power to make jokes. So far up to this point he's guided me along my journey to find myself and been really helpful. I'm unsure what path he plans on taking, but I'm sure he'll figure it out.

An online pen-pal I met on a Roleplaying website that has become one of my best friends. She's really busy with homework and life in general as she flows with talents and must embark on them. So far she's been helping me figure out my intuition and help me debate reality VS fiction. Her favorite number is eight and I think she's part of the equation 718.

My possible crush and my hope that I'm human, Reed is an amazing person. Currently, he resides in army training and isn't expected to return for a couple of years. I don't know if he'll return somewhere during my second chapter, but if he does it would be a dream come true. Underneath his jokes he helped me get through my time as stage-crew for the school play.

The girl I thought I had to date - before realizing it was set for absolute disaster. Gem is a girl I never actually liked, no more so then a friend, but dated in middle school. I didn't know, still don't really, know how to like someone. Now she's in a community college to wrap up her final two years of high school, I don't see her much so I'm unsure of her chapter two.

Poseidon is my friend I recently met, and is already switching to an online school before moving far, far away. We have a lot in common despite his love for bloody video games and sports. It's possible we'll cross paths at some point in the future, but his departure will be missed. I don't know why I was allowed to meet him for only a short time, but I'm glad I did.

The demon/mental state in my head, Jason. Jason plans to take over the world and has plotted to hurt my friends in the past. He can guess girls bra colors, make tree branches fall, and tell the future. To do so he needs to posses my baby brother or through other methods. Let's hope we can get rid of him and Jason doesn't exist in the second chapter.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Jason on Steroids.

I started taking a new medication, and so far it's broken my mental stability wide open. I had to come home from school early on Friday because of how bad it was. An intense feeling of fear, a drilling sound effects that seemed to bounce up and down, and the voice in my head screaming at me calling me a baby and a loser for leaving earlier or for having trouble with an assignment. It was like Jason was on steroids.

I been told that medication makes it gets worse before it can get better, but after not taking it for two days I realized it might be the meds at all. We talked to the doctor and he said it shouldn't have taken effect that fast. I talked to Zeus and he said he didn't trust doctors or the fact I didn't start to act all wonky until I started taking this new meds. As he stated, "relapse," as we sat at lunch together with popcorn in my hands.

What is Jason's plan? Obviously he wants my baby brother so he can free himself from me. I could also have a child of my own and he could exit from me that way. He could also rip himself away from me, which would instantly kill me and leave him without a vessel. I could also do this sort of ritual thing that will take all my psychic power and allow him to escape. But, it's really complicated and I'm not sure I could go through with it. Not that I ever plan on helping Jason be released into the real world. He's straight out evil and wants to burn it to the ground.

But, why? Where does Jason come from? Why is he inside of me? Why does me being drunk or on medication only make him stronger? Can he really get strength from my weakness? Are my disasters, his steroids?

Cupid's Arrows

I came to the realization that I might have been hit by Cupid's arrows, as I'm slowly falling for Reed despite his departure into the army. I don't know much about love, but I do know this is the only thing making me feel human. Lately my mental stability has been getting worse and I even had to return home from school early.

I think about Reed more then I should for someone who isn't even in my life anymore. I sometimes find myself looking at pictures of him, as I truly do miss him. I could still be asexual, as my feelings are emotional only, but for once I have hope that I'm not. It's not that there is anything wrong with being asexual, but I'm already autistic (high functioning) and I'm starting to feel less, and less human.

People keep asking me how I am. I don't want to tell them I'm close to failing out of school, I sacrificed my chances of a four year college because I dropped Algebra 2, and I'm falling for a friend I'll never see again. I don't really want a relationship just because I might like Reed. I still wish to be alone for the rest of my life. Any dream I have of being with someone is always about a blond, but it varies from gender. Reed is partly blond. So perhaps, it's still meant to be, but the story had him leave until I was ready.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

All Fall Down

Poseidon is switching schools, Gem is gone, Mist is planning on moving away, Reed hasn't come back from training so he might have gone straight into the army, my own father is getting remarried and moving away, and Virus seems distant. I don't know what's going on. It's just going to be me and Zeus like it was always meant to be... and that makes him the perfect target.

Jason has threatened people in the past, sometimes they'll get hurt if I don't abide by his rules. For example my mother had pains and my sister got sun burnt on a day I refused to do such a simple task he wanted. Something my mom said after the tree fell on my step dad still chills me to the bone. "What if Jason caused it?". It takes the whole psychic to a whole new level, it makes me perfectly normal, with the devil living inside of me. I said before I'm tempted to make the deal with Satan and if Jason is Satan all along... we'll in the end we'll all fall down.

In the past Jason has threatened to take everyone away from me one by one. If Zeus isn't going anywhere in any other way I worry Jason will straight out attack him. It's been done before. I been attacked myself by some force that plays a powerful part in the endgame of my life. It makes me wonder how him and the girl with black hair are connected. If he's in danger there has to be something I can do to put a stop to Jason once and for all. But, he's more powerful then I thought.

Once he convinced me to drink a bunch of salt water before bed in an attempt to kill him because I believed he was a demon. He got me to go outside to check on my step dad. It's hard to tell my own thoughts from his orders so a lot of the time I just go to bed hoping to wake up normal. Jason is very power - real or fake - and nothing I have tried works.

When you're alone, when you're weak, that's when I'll take over. 

To quote Jason he said this line many times before. Jason says that we have lived this trial over and over through many lifetimes. His plan is to possess me or a baby before they turn one years old. My baby brother is still at risk, and for some reason Jason wants me to sacrifice him so he can possess me. I couldn't ever hurt a tiny hair on my brother, but if he was possessed by Jason I'm not sure which side I'd pick. It's been haunting my nightmares that Jason takes him and his first words are an insult to me to prove that he won.

If Jason wins not only I, but my friends, family, and the world could fall.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Power of the Demon

I have a superpower. I can know something before it happens. I'm either psychic or crazy, or maybe a little bit in-between. I've discussed this in other blogs, but I never went into detail of it. Some have said that Jason is my intuition, some have save I can control him and use him. The power of the demon. 

What if I have a huge choice in front of me? Get rid of Jason somehow and lose this gift I might possibly have, or risk saving my ability for Jason's wrath. About a year ago a friend did a future reading with her cards and it basically said I'll make this really big immature choice. I shook it off as nothing especially because my first card was the death card and people seem to "almost," get themselves killed in my life, but nobody like a parent or a cousin has ever died. But, what if it was true and I'll the wrong choice?

Once I closed my eyes on a walk and was able to picture the exact red truck that I ended up finding my cousins I was looking for. I tried to explain it to my cousins, but they refuse to understand and think of me as a child with an active imagination. That same night I had one of many similar dreams where a bunch of children led by Andrew, kid in the red hoodie, was trying to take over the world and it had something to do with recruiting more children. 

A few years prior I was sitting at the library where at the age thirteen I made three imagery friends out of boredom. Andrew, Mathew, and Sam were three seven year old's (Matt was six and a half) who I needed to help. It must have been the long time I was there with little to do or maybe it was the start of my psychosis, but at the time I believed these invisible children were real. I'm not sure what happened to them, but I remember a time a few months later where I was in a dark car alone and I could feel them surrounding the car. Hundreds of them. 

This isn't the first time I've dealt with the supernatural or a hallucination of sorts. I have quite a few stories that I will save for October. Until then keep questioning my mental and psychic state. Am I getting stronger or am I getting far worse mentally? Do I have ghosts running around or am I secretly using the power of the demon? And, for what does that mean?