Sunday, March 29, 2015

Leader of the Pack

Sense I have started working back stage on the school musical things have been pretty weird. Between repeat musical numbers, learning the confusing script, and moving very heavy objects in a few seconds isn't as easy as I predicted. But, it's still bundles of fun. Next week we have a practice show which could just be the death of me, but somehow I'll handle it. So far I have met a lot of creative unique people but one person stands out, the leader of the stage crew Reed.
(fake name for privacy reasons) 

So far I haven't met anybody like Reed, somebody who breaks the stereotypical norm. I can honestly say he acts himself. If it wasn't for his inevitable exit to the story come the end of this school year I would consider him a friend. In a few months Reed will venture off into the sunset for four to eight years testing his skills in the army. Figures that I would make a new friend and have them leave shortly after. But, as stated in my last blog, all things must come to an end. 

Why bring Reed up in this blog though? It's because he impacts my story greatly, he is a motivation to keep me in Drama class. It's because of him that I'm considering taking over as stage crew come next year, which puts me at a point where I can see a future for myself in between now and those endings. It gives me a purpose. So I want to do my best to make it up to Reed for allowing me to see a silver lining in the darkness. 

I don't want to disappoint him, anymore then I wouldn't want to upset Zeus. If I messed up or dropped out Zeus wouldn't really care because of the path he's on. I'm afraid there is something going on in his life he's not telling me about, now throwing himself at some girl and dropping everything that once mattered to him. It's not about the girl, something else is going on. There isn't much I can do except watch and hold open arms for when he crashes and burns. 

For now I will follow everything Reed tells me to do, he's the leader of the pack after all. Come next year I'll step as the Pied Piper and lead the children (or actors) into the direction they need to be. You could say I can't become that part of me until I step up to the plate. I just have to hope I don't strike out before then or my chances will be very low. If any of those endings come before then I may not be able to direct them. It would just be nice to be the leader of the pack myself, the prince under the confusing queen. 

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