Thursday, March 5, 2015

Whoa Man, Did I Just Break Reality?

Sometimes at random the world will began to shake, things will blend together, and I will get the feeling of being pulled out of my body. It's when everything turns to a dead silence,  or when a certain song seems to play for hours... and sometimes hours even pass. Or, when you open your locker to find it empty, only to reopen it with things inside. Either I'm jumping back and forth between alternative universes, through time, or... I have broken reality.

It happens for everyone in a sense such as deja vu which is the feeling that something has happened before. It's any moment of confusion where you think something has happened, but it hasn't. This is what I like to think of "testing reality," which isn't exactly the same as what I'm experiencing but a much lower branch of it. This can count from "sleeping paralysis," to even the feeling of being drunk all under the same category.

What can you do when this happens? Well, you can't do anything. If it's like it is for me you may want to talk to a therapist or a doctor. I plan on describing my situations with my new therapist when the day comes up for me to see then, I always hate when you get a new therapist because you have to describe everything over again and start trust from the start. It's fresh and difficult. But, sometimes can be worth it.

For me it's much worse though as it feels as if the entire world is about to shatter. That's a terrifying moment. And, again don't drink or do drugs guys. I even been getting some sleep lately, a little too much if you ask me but I needed it. Still, I feel weak and tired all the time... perhaps, I just need to freshen up my life a bit? Maybe, I'm too bored at home and my mind is making things interesting? It's crazy but it just might be true.

So I signed up for Theatre at my school to give my life a new spice and to give me something to do. Of course this late in the school year I'll only be able to help backstage but I'll also be working with my best friend. Whom by the way I get to see in a dress, still not sure how I feel about that one though... it's a new course in my life but it should make the train moving a bit more. I get the feeling life is going to be at a new uproar from now on.

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