Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Relationship Baffle

Like love is what...?

So as I mentioned in my past blog there is a girl except I'm unsure for my feelings of her. The concept of of a relationship simply baffles me especially at such a tender age where our bodies aren't even finished developing. Still, teenagers all over the world insist on testing their limits far before they are ready. Even sharing chemical hormones with each other through methods such as kissing, hugging, and other germ filled practices. Perhaps, it's just me though. Personally I not much of a human-contact kind of guy so..

My best friend Zeus is in a new relationship in which he is automatically happier, at a skyscraper scale. What made him that much in a better mood? Sure, he has somebody to fight for - a goal thirteen year old me thrived for - but is that enough to kick depression in the butt? I suppose being a HFA does have some input into how I feel about relationships. But, even then those with mental disorder find a significant other all the time.

Still, I don't really understand the concept of love. Is it something that everyone feels eventually? Is it the same I have with my parents or with my dogs? Is it all surrounded by sexual tensions? Can love be replaced or copied? Is love even real at all? I have so many questions about love that I don't believe I'll ever truly understand them so I decided to take my questions to my friends and a website I trust very much to determine what 'love' really is? In response I found that I myself am not the right person to tell all of you what love is because in my world I am still unsure.

On a personal basis I'm thinking of asking that girl, who for the sake of this blog will call Gem for multiple reasons, to become my girlfriend. It's a big decision and the reason I'm unraveling with all these relationship questions. The issue at hand is my mental stability along with my lack of desire to be with anybody at an intimacy level. Heck, I'm not even sure I could ever kiss this girl without being disgusted. It's just that human contact sickens me deeply, but Gem understands that and seems willing to wait for me.

A few years ago I wouldn't have believed that but despite the fact we stopped talking for years she still wants to be with me. Knowing this her parents also wish for us to be a couple. And, sure she has problems of her own but I likily have even more. The only problem with Gem is she may have something deeply wrong with her with more physical health problems to arise. Even if we did fall in love it wouldn't be forever.

Love is a very confusing thing to be honest, something I may never understand unless I take that risk and ask Gem out. I already know she'll say yes as she's been dropped hints for weeks, like obvious hints. It's almost cute. It stops there though - between the two of us we'd both be in and out of hospitals. We wouldn't ever get a happily ever after in any way you look at it, but then again after all my possible endings with the path I'm on now are any of them? I've heard that even the slightest chance of love is worth throwing everything away. Does that include my morals, my dreams, and overall my innocence?

I'm handing the love topic over to my pal, please read his post on love!

1 comment:

  1. Love comes in various different forms. I will describe love for family, pets, friends, and the significant other.in my own words.

    Love for family: You would do anything for them. You risk everything, but when it comes down to it, you think they are gross, assholes, bitches, or whatever other insult you come up with for them. To you, it is gross to see them in their undies, or possibly without even a top on. Although, beneath all that, you know that they hold a special place in your heart that you wouldn't give up for the world. If you have love for your family, you would make certain they are safe, and you cry when they leave you for good.

    Love for a pet: Some people don't even have animals as pets, but as family. Some people feel they are just pets. That's fine. When you hold love for a pet, that pet comforts you. They are your happiness after a long day at work or school, after a fight with your other family, and you show them how much you appreciate their comfort by feeding them and taking care of them. Maybe you wouldn't go back into that falling or burning building to save them, but you will sure as hell miss them when they're gone. They will be there when your down, so you can talk to them and pretend that they can understand you, even if you really believe that they can't. They are one of your best friends, even if they sometimes like to pee or poop on your stuff.

    Love for a friend: When you love your friends, you won't bail them out of jail; you'd be in there with them saying "we totally fucked up." You love a friend for nearly the same reasons you might love a pet. They are your comfort, they are there for you, but they tend to piss you off sometimes. They'll pick on you, but you won't mind it because you know how they are. Maybe they won't pick on you, and you appreciate that from them. These people you trust, and you off to take each other out eat from time to time. You may even want to live in a house with them because they are so cool. You will miss them dearly when it's time to part ways, but you'll remember those friends, telling your other friends how much fun they were and the crazy things you'd been through.

    Love for your significant other: Don't mistake this for sexual tensions type of love. You love this person with your heart and soul. You will put your entire self out for them, tell them your troubles, and help them with their own troubles. You accept their flaws and their strengths, and they make you happy no matter what. You fight sometimes, but when you do, it varies in intensity. Later, you two will make up one way or another, doing what you do best. Maybe you'll buy them some candy or flowers. Maybe you'll take them to their favorite restaurant. Maybe it's as simple as saying sorry, and that you love them. This person makes you unable to wait for Valentine's Day, when you can plan out your own version of a romantic day. Of course, you know how it goes when a man and a woman love each other very much... Or maybe you're a couple of men, or women. But regardless of what happens in that part of your life, you still love this person no matter what happens.

    Maybe I missed some, but that isn't my point. I see the way I love all these people in my life very differently. These are the ways I love those people. They will be very similar in some aspects, but the amount of love poured into each relationship is different for me. Love is very real as an emotion, and its influence knows no bounds.

    No, it cannot be replaced. Even if you do get a new dog, or a new girl/boyfriend, or other friends, you will not be able to rid yourself of that love that the person once meant to you, no matter how little. Why? Because you remember all those good times and the bad times. Those good times will make you forget all those bad times. If the bad times were that much greater, then maybe there wasn't any love in that relationship, whether on your part or theirs.

    That is my belief on love.
