Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Road Between Fiction and Reality

Insane or Intuitive?
Mad or Magic?
Crazy or Clairvoyance?
Reality or Fiction?
Many people may believe the stories that they hear as a child, or the imaginary friend nobody else could see. But, what happens when those thoughts, feelings, and  moments don't go away? When life begins to distort itself tearing everything apart. Testing the limits between fiction and reality can be a very dangerous journey that shouldn't be taken alone. So this blog, this book, is my story of the road I have to undergo to discover the truth behind my demons.

Just a few days ago my life began to twist and turn breaking the very foundation of my reality. It started when my parents took the already planned move to Texas to a surprise turn around. Instead we're moving back where we came from which has many ups and downs in itself. Either way it stressed me out so much I started to see my normal hallucinations at a sort of extreme measure. At one point the world literarily started to move into a twirl.

I wouldn't think that would be an effect of my first time having beer (and going way to far) in an attempt to both fit in and silence the voice in my head. After finding "fitting it," to be completely useless and my voice to actually be stronger and louder.. Then, I continuously threw up for twelve hours strait until I came across something called "dry heaves," and swore off drinking forever. For anybody reading who hasn't tried drinking yet I'll leave you with a, "It's not worth it," and anew.

Still my little drinking exploration happened days prior to my twirl hallucination where everything would have been out of my system. Either way it wasn't much different then some of my other little reality trips. Like, when I missed a step in school one day and was suddenly falling from the sky for what felt like forever. And, no folks I don't do drugs of any kind or drink other then that one time. Seriously, I'm not that kind of teenager who parties and sleeps with every living creature of the human race.

I'm pretty much a goody two shoes who does nothing he isn't supposed to, but then again I have parents who let me go to a party whenever I wish. Still despite this I still find myself unable to do anything so called "wrong,". Heck, I cannot even curse even though my family does it non-stop. It's sort of like I don't know how to be, "bad," and my desires don't revolve around bending the rules. Except chewing gum in school. That rule is stupid.

Oh, I'm a writer (and sucks at it) whose life remains mostly online with little contact to the real world. I have a single real life friend who I barely get to see because he lives far away, but I'm moving back so I'll see him more. For the sake of his disclosure I'll call him Zeus. We're the normal pals who talk about well.. not your normal "guy," stuffs. Mostly because I don't really care much for sex and don't believe I have sexual attraction for anyone; Asexuality. We are on a different level of people, surprised our relationship has lasted this long, but for some reason he enjoys talking and spending time with me.

So the question is what is this blog? This blog is about me, a teenager boy working on his way to manhood while struggling with hallucinations, premonitions, delusions, TV drama, and the occasional plot twist of life. Want to read and find out exactly how the world works in the mind of a reality losing teenager who is outside of the norm? Well, buckle in because it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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