Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Don't Sink a Ship While It Drowns

I'm sort of having a melt down that is but isn't about my favorite band imagine dragons, that's the tip of the iceberg heading for an already sinking ship. It all started at one AM when I stayed up to snag Imagine Dragons new album on YouTube so I could hear the songs before I bought the album. But, I decided to download them because my app that is by YouTube allows it and even suggests it. Of course with the full intention of actually buying the album later in the day.

But, then I started thinking...

What's the point? All of my friends and family download all their music without any repercussions. Despite this I pushed past and tried to buy the music. I only ran into more and more complications. Some websites didn't share their music with the United States for some reason, some websites wouldn't let me do it, and some websites didn't get enough info for me to even know what I'm doing but in the end I finally found it. Of course it doesn't have a digital copy and that's what I wanted...

Either way this started me thinking that maybe I should burn my little white angel wings, throw away my goody two shoes, and let out my dark side. In the past I was afraid that if I let the darkness of the world corrupt me that I would become something I couldn't look at in the mirror. But, being good gets me nothing but bad. By trying to stay uncorrupted by this world I'm not living in it. Little by little I am turning into something else and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. What is good and bad anymore? #Rethinkingexistance

Basically if you notice someone sinking down with the ship you should send them a lifeboat inside of an iceberk. Cause those ice shards are going to cause so much turmoil it's going to impact the mental stability of said person. It could break them completely. Luckily, I think my little mental spout was just a today thing...

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