Saturday, November 12, 2016

That One About Politics

I figured I'd have to write this blog eventually. I just wish it didn't have to be in the crazy storm that is the #He'sNotMyPresident war. Come on guys, he's your president deal with it. There is no reason to riot or cause death threats towards someone who so far has been all talk. He played us all, and he played it good. Still, he earned the right to sit at the throne of America and make the changes he wishes to make. He won and there isn't anything any of us can do about it. From what I hear the vice president is much, much worse.

Now let me start with this; I couldn't care less about Politics. I know practically nothing about the candidates themselves other then the key points like Hillary's emails. I have no idea what that means though. What she do what her emails, exactly? From what I heard it's either covering something up and someone died or she just used her work email to send a personal message. Either way, people make mistakes and I don't really think she's the devil or anything... of course not. She's just a woman. I actually did a paper on her, but I had no idea what I was doing.

So apparently she didn't do anything in all her years of being a politician. Cool. Has she ever had this much power where she can actually make a change? I think people expect too much out of people. Just because their the king, doesn't mean their made of gold. Someone quote that, it's golden. Okay, jokes aside I don't think Hillary is all that bad. I can agree that if she's has a glimpse of power before and didn't make any changes, then she likely wouldn't be able to do anything for this country.

The next thing about to say might upset some people; I hate guns. I don't think anyone should have them. Cops are shooting people because they think they have one. Imagine a world where nobody has to be afraid that the person next to them on the bus has a gun under that jacket. Except, we do have that worry, and there isn't anything we can do about it. The best thing to do is put some more restrictions on guns instead of outlawing them completely. As much as I  want them to all vanish, then nobody would have anything to defend themselves with. Someone once asked me; would you rather have a gun and feel safe or wonder if everyone around you has a gun? Of course, that mostly just made me paranoid.

Anyway, Trump is President. I would complain like everyone else in my age group, but there is one thing we're all forgetting. WE HAVE NO RIGHT. Seriously, if you didn't vote then you no right to complain about who won the election. You didn't do anything to change it so now you're stuck with it. Because not voting for Hillary is the same as voting for Trump. I just wish I realized this before and now it's too late. So please stop complaining and just give Trump a chance?

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