Saturday, August 22, 2015

That One About Labels

I absolutely hate labels. My friends keep trying to ask what's wrong with me or what sexuality I have decided on. I don't have those answers, all I know is at this moment in time I'm not interested in intercourse nor have I ever been so. For some reason Zeus and his new friend Poseidon can't accept that about me. They keep wanting to put some sort of label on me. Labels have been haunting me far before my friends as doctors questions which disorders to label me as. Some I completely agree with while others don't make a heap of sense.

Why is everyone labeling each other? What's the point?

I think that people label themselves so they can feel they fit in somewhere. But, someone can like to wear black, but be preppy. Why can't we have a mixture without them becoming outcasts? It seems that the biggest fault of high-school. You're either in a click or you're an outcast. It seems Zeus, Poseidon, and I are all in this group that's outside of the normal groups. Even in our own little click nobody can accept somebody to be different, to be outside of the box.

I'm a high function autistic who never wants to have sex, at least not at this current part of life, while people my age are having children. I'm not your normal average human. I can't stand condiments or sports. I suck at video games, but I'm a very creative soul. I'm obsessed with music to a point where I'm spending any money I get on it and Sims 4. I'm my own person and I don't belong to any labels because nothing will ever perfectly fit me. I'm unique and so is everyone else in the world. Labels don't truly exist.

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