Saturday, October 17, 2015

Jason Is Dead

After fighting with Jason for many years I have finally killed him. I was given proper medication after being hospitalized and the meds gave me a sword to fight the dragon with. Shoving the sharp blade into the demons chest pushing it back into it's cage where it'll remain for the rest of time. Part of me misses always having someone to talk to. But, in the end he was a bully that wouldn't settle for anything less then imprisonment inside my head or death.

Jason is dead.

With the end of school only about thirty one weeks away I'm close to ending this chapter of my life. Now that Jason isn't tying me down I might be able to live a normal life. As my medication is supposed to help with my fear of touching and other such issues. It's like a cure has been handed to me and I finally have an answer to my questions. If Jason is able to be defeated he couldn't have ever been real in the first place. Something still doesn't make sense though... How was I able to predict my aunt's car crash or my step father's tree accident? Something isn't adding up.

I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. I'm not hallucinating anymore, but I feel as if I'm falling into a trap. Everything is wrapping itself up into a tiny little knot. It's almost too perfect. Jason once said he could control my mental state creating creeping things for me to see. While I completely feel he is gone I can't stop wondering if this was all according to plan. If Jason was just part of the pawns in a gigantic chess board and somehow I needed to meet him so I could later do something great.

Last week when I was in the hospital I had this bad feeling something had happened to my mother. Couldn't shake it. Turns out she was throwing up that very night and pretty sick. So it seems my Intuition wasn't Jason after all and if I do have some sort of psychic ability it didn't go away. It's the only thing that makes any sense. But, as my therapist pointed out I need to let the past go and hope for a normal life. I have to fight for it because I want to be happy. But, this bad feeling is getting worse and I fear something new is awaiting me in the future.

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