Friday, October 23, 2015

The End of the Story

I didn't fail my first nine weeks of school like I thought I did. Technically that's only because one of my teachers gave me an incomplete. If if wasn't for that I would have a big red F on my report card, but I don't and that's all that matters. Now without Jason I'm seeing life much clearer now and I'm doing much better. So that's it then? Is this the end of my story?

I made this blog to be my journey to discover if I was a mystic or if I was living in a world of fiction. At this point in my life I can't really explain any of the things that have happened in my past. How Jason warned me of things to come, like my step dad with the tree incident. It doesn't make any sense and with that my entire reality is falling apart. Instead of dwelling on the past though I need to take someone's advice and simply let it go.

I made it so I could discover things like my religion or my sexuality. I figured out it for the most part and with Reed back in town I have the chance to fully figure out who I am. It was him that helped me combine my internet and real life persno to create a brand new way of being myself. Even now that the pieces of the past me start to die I know a new me will blossom from it's ashes. The old me is slowly dying, but future me is a couple of months away. I have never been so close to becoming the person I want to be until now.

This chapter of my life ends in less then eight months and I don't really know what's next. All I know is in order to move forward I need to let go of the past once and for all. If that means losing any psychic power I once had to save my sanity I say it's a fair trade. Still I can't help, but wonder if there will be some kind of plot twist that will change the dynamic of this story. Never have I ever been so close to a happy ending, for me anyway, and I just know something will come to screw it up.

What could it be? Perhaps, I should also let go the fear that something bad will come and just enjoy my happyness. This could be the end of the story or... this could just be the beginning.

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