Friday, August 28, 2015

Slippery Slope

I'm in the middle of an iceberg, on the edge of a slippery slope. I'm back on my music rant again, because this time I'm an inch away from downloading the music I can't normally get. Like, some of my Imagine Dragons old songs they no longer sell. I'm "this close," to finally snapping and grabbing up those songs like a kid in a free candy store. But, it's wrong... right? I mean I used to be able to say the difference when it comes to music and my philosophy was "not to take away from the artists," but if they're not selling it then it isn't really taking away from them.

It doesn't really matter if it's wrong or legal at this point. It matters what I decide to do because it's either something small that effects me non-the-less or it's the push that sends me into a spiral of bad deeds that will eventually turn me evil. Okay, so that's a little over-dramatic, but I think my point is across. It might be something bad and if you continue to do bad things you'll turn bad.

At least that's why I've been told, but what if it's more like paint? I can dabble in the darkness adding a smudge to my picture without covering the entire thing in black paint. If I do something bad here and there I can always cover it up with more colorful colors of creativity, freedom, and good deeds. If it works like this then I can forgive myself for my drinking incident or all the lies I've told in my short life time.

So is it wrong to take things that effects nobody? A piece of candy that went bad, but is still good? Something that nobody wants and will turn to waste? Is it really wrong to steal something that can't be taken any other way? I can't figure this out for myself so I turn to any reader I have to ask for guidance on this dark road. Everyone is telling me to turn to downloading or watching movies illegally like I did before I knew better. Is it really wrong to steal something nobody owns? Is this the iceberg that finally sinks my battleship?

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