Thursday, August 27, 2015

Back To My Roots

I haven't listened to Imagine Dragons in a while as I been obsessed with the amazing band Patent Pending and playing them over and over. But, a new song by Imagine Dragons reminded me why I listened to them and it's because they make me feel in my deep soul. Not to say that Patent Pending doesn't have touching songs, but they're more of fun to listen to. 

Why is this important? Because in my discovery to find myself I need to look back to my roots to remember where I came from. Recently in my blogs I been telling about the past, but I need to start somewhere far before that. Somewhere like... the beginning. Not so far back before I came into existence, not so far in the past to my birth, but to the place it all began.

The first thing I remember is me sitting at my kitchen table petting my small orange cat who would eventually run away. I didn't care about germs, or the human contact. I didn't even have socks or shoes on. It shows how much I've changed for the worse. Now I can't walk around the house without shoes or bump into someone without feeling unconformable. I'm afraid that once I go to my dark corner of the world all my problems will get ever so much worse. 

So in order to become the person I want to be I have to accept the person I used to be. But, how do I do that? Can I just press a button and magically allow myself to slowly be sucked backwards without falling too much into my old ways? While there is some things that are great about my childish roots there are some things I'd rather not repeat. 

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