Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Forever Summer

Devastation. The reason my posting has decreased over the past few months is nothing ever happens in the summer, nothing big enough that I haven't already written about. That's the thing about summer, it seems to go on and on being the boring empty pit it always is. It reminds me of the life I'll be living if it turns out my mental disorders keep me from working and I end up living on disability only staying in the comfort of my house where the demons can't reach me. A forever summer.

Right now we're at the part of the movie where everything looks devastating, the part where everything looks grim.  That game over moment. At this moment Reed is in training for the army and out of my life forever. My trip to Virus has been trampled on by hundreds of imaginary flying purple elephants until it's hanging on by a thread. Gem is currently telling me all about a mysterious cyst on her brain that could be more serious then I want it to be, even though I ended our friendship doesn't mean I don't care about her. And... Zeus is still Zeus.

Now is the time, my Senior year, to change all of that. I have to do something big in the upcoming year other then the usual plot devices. Such as trying to revive the school newsletter, going a few clubs, and working on the yearbook. I have to do something huge. I have to change the direction of my story. It won't be easy, but it's time to pick up the pen and get writing.

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