Friday, June 26, 2015

My Dark Corner

This flame is all that's left of my will to move forward, it's my strength in the powerful darkness, able to stay bright in the darkest of days. Like, fire I spread through people's lives burning down what they used to know. I make life difficult for a lot of people, but they love me and wouldn't have it any other way. If only it was their choice. After I graduate I plan on finding a dark corner of the world and hiding there.

I doubt I'll ever be able to hold onto a job of any kind due to all my quirks. I also seem to destroy everything I touch. If I touch someone else's flame I'll accidentally put it out. If someone's life was in my hands I might not be in time to save them. Actually, I may stand there and watch them die depending on the person. Proving my darkness is increasing.

My feeling of someone going to die, that feeling of dread, has turned into a desire to see who it'll be. I'm still afraid of losing someone I love, but I'm more curious then anything. Wondering if somebody dies if that means it was by Jason's hand? With thoughts like that, and Jason's evil plans, I have little choice but to find my dark corner to live in.

Right now I'm on a path I cannot avoid, I cannot turn back. Senior year is going to be a hectic ride that terrifies me most. I've switched schools at least seven times in the past few years and finally I get to graduate beside my best friend before moving on my way to see Virus. It feels like the perfect ending, and that's the ending I want everyone to see. The one where I get to live a short, but happy life that ends with me going on the greatest adventure I'll ever experience. That's where this story should end, don't you think? A nice happy ending for everyone to enjoy. The perfect ending is in the works. The one I'm willing to tell anyway.

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