Friday, July 24, 2015

Under the Covers

As a writer I have hundreds of character choices, especially now that I'm merging all my stories into one universe. Life has a lot of characters too, but like all books character leave and character die. As Reed and many others step out of my life I have to accept that new character will always enter it. I'd like to imagine that one day I will take a car with four other people on my way to see Virus and all the top friends I had along the way.

Zeus is an obvious choice as he's my best and only remaining friend that I've actually met in real life. As Reed steps out of my life possibly forever, I can't help but choose him as my second member of the team. Reed is currently in training for the army, for what appears to be a permanent goodbye. I really liked him and he helped me come out of my shell a little.

My step sister, Mist, is a choice I don't think I could survive without as despite it all she's been there for my up and downs over the years. In a previous blog entry I mentioned how letting her go would allow her to return to us. But, it seems she's plenty happy with her boyfriend so I'll continue to wish her the best. Mist promised me she would show up for my graduation so I'm hoping that to be true, unless something comes up.

Ra's is a friend I had before I switched back to my preferred high-school and now lives a couple of hours away. He loved superheroes as much as I did perhaps even more. I nicknamed him off of a DC character he made fun of. Sadly when we both switched to different schools we fell out of touch and I'm afraid to say he falls under the "never to see again," category.

Last, but not least is my second friend I ever made. Inkie was my first ever real friend, he even got me to play kickball outside. Which is two things I rarely ever do. I saw him the other-day, but he's a completely different person and I didn't have the nerve to talk to him let alone ask him to come with me across the country.

Sadly none of them will be traveling with me to see Virus, because I can't afford to do the trip at all. My parents can't even afford our house that we're about to lose. I seriously don't want to move for a ninth time in three years. So until things become normal again I'm going to hide under my covers and pretend the world isn't falling apart around me. Come get me when the great Senior War is over and resolved.

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