Monday, May 25, 2015

That One About Boy Bands

Okay so- like what? This blog post is a little different from our normal posts here, as it's been getting a little dark I thought it was about time we spice things up. I'll start with the fact that I should be able to listen to Big Time Rush despite that they're a "kids band," or that it's "gay," to listen to them. Since when do I start carrying what people think? If I want to listen to pirate music or the Pokemon theme song a couple hundred times then I can.

Music is music.

Since when did we get on this basis that only certain types of people are allowed to listen to certain types of music? Am I not allowed to listen to both alternative rock and pop? A few years ago my step dad told me that I was listening to "girly," music. Like... what? What even is girly music? Back then I wanted to be more manly, but now all I want is to be able to listen to music. I'm talking about those songs you love, but are supposed to hate here folks.

Music is music.

My friend Zeus taught me something when he was listening to music I was told wasn't gender equal. There he is listening to this song in front of his girlfriend and they both are really enjoying it. I realized that music is music, my step dad was wrong, and I can listen to some Ross Lynch without being stereotypical, "gay," which is actually still a possibility, but I'm leaning towards asexual.

Music is music.

I like Big Time Rush and I'm proud of it. They have some really neat music and their show is extremely funny. For the first time I'll actually tell you what to do, because this one is important. If not the most important. So go listen to whatever you want, watch whatever you want, be you. Don't let stereotypes stop you.

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