Thursday, May 14, 2015

All Goes To Hell

It's all going to hell guys, all of it. My best friend is being sucked down a dark road, my mother is falling deep into the family tree of insanity, the days of my demon voice's undertaking are underway, our car broke down, and graduation is a year away. It couldn't get much worse then this, other then the fact my intuition seems to be increasing in power allowing me to either be living in some illusion or getting more powerful. What does it all mean? It means that when I take my chair as Senior tomorrow, the end begins and with it everything goes to hell.

Now as I enter my final year of high-school I feel the corruption finally sinking into me. I'm slowly getting ready to sign that contract and make a deal with the devil. If I could have anything, but at the cost of my good will. My very soul. Is it worth it? What would I ask for in that one-no-take-backs-request? If everything is going to hell anyway, then why not take that deal? I could easily sign that contact on the dotted line, shake the devils hand, and get anything I wanted.

Since I don't believe much for religion I shouldn't believe in Satan, but I do. Not in the sense that everyone imagines the king of the underworld. But, as a feeling. You can feel like hell, you can feel evil. So it only makes sense that you would feel a combination of the two. At this moment I feel both like a terrible person, but for some reason I'm enjoying it, oh, so wonderfully. It makes me wonder what it says about me if I won't go to Gem's house or give her a proper chance, but I'll go thousands of miles for Virus.

At this point in my life I'm at a crossroad, well a thirteen path road, and until I choose a proper path I'm stuck with a demon stalking me. A crossroads demon. It's trying to get me to make that deal, to preform it's requests in return for my own enjoyment. For the people I love's safety or it'll hurt them all. It's happened when I refused to do Jason's wishes. People get hurt, people get hurt badly. It makes me wonder if he has amazingly perfect timing or if he's the one causing the accidents.

Am I simply Jason's puppet, his play toy? It's a terrifying thought to wonder if my own actions, my own personality, is mine at all. All I want to do is write my story and play Pokemon, but now I have to watch my back of his evil plan. The hallucinations are getting worse, things are starting to warm up with tension, and we're all playing deep into his trap. It doesn't matter wither he's real or not. It matters what I decide. Either way I'm stuck dealing with the strings attached to my back. I just don't know who's pulling them. Who has control of all my actions. To decide if it's me or someone else is when everything crumbles. When everything goes to hell.

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