Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Thirteen Trees

Remember a few weeks back when I said I only have nine possible endings to my story? I lied, there are actually thirteen trees. Imagine an forest that has thirteen trees of different colored leaves with hundreds of branches branching off of each, which branch into other branches, colliding with each other. All the other trees in the forest are dead or burned not connecting to anything but the ground. Those thirteen trees are surrounding me, you, us, and we have to pick a path but we keep getting pushed back and forth.

The problem is once we pick or fate picks for us there isn't any turning back, the ground and the remaining trees will be engulfed in the flames. All we could do is climb as high as we could until either reaching the top or fall to the ever so written demise. All we can do is try our very best to take the future we want most all while conciser if we could survive that climb. If we, if I, can survive any of them.

A few years back Jason had me stay up late so I could draw a picture of trees and it was the only thing I've ever drawn that looks good. It showed at least twenty paths but he told me that each one would die until only a few remained. By the next morning I would find the notebook to be missing all together where I would have never find it again. I did find a red notebook like it two years later but it was empty. So I'm going to look at all my possible endings that I didn't already mention;

The Dead End 
Perhaps, I'm meant to work at a photo studio or a teacher like my mother always wanted for herself. So I get a job, but it's not what I want in life and I'm never happy. Even if I get something to do with writing or even if I come to enjoy my work I'd be stuck. This ending isn't so bad though, it has it's advantages. I don't mind being a controlled rat running miles for the cheese at all! No, I want to be a puppet with super glued strings.

The Sixth Sense
In my first post in this blog I mentioned the word "mystic," but I never followed up on what it was about. Basically sometimes I know things I very well shouldn't usually from the words of Jason, but sometimes almost like common knowledge. In this ending I don't only develop that possibly impossible gift, but I use it to become a prophet like I explained in "Skip, Skip," but if it's correct I'm pretty sure I either get my head bashed in or die eating some really cheesy pizza when I'm in my forties.

The Wild Card 
This is that one where everything turns out to be a time traveling conspiracy or when aliens are taking over the world. It's that ending that doesn't make sense, but turns out to be true. The ones that don't have any evidence to back up, for example the "Tale Time Traveling Jacket," is a wild card. But, Jason is backed up on proof that I can prove to others so he isn't a wild card. From now on I'll start a WC series debunking all the weird things that happen to me as a wild card or evidence. If this ending happens I'd do flips backwards.

The New York Conspiracy
It appears my cousin, my best friend Zeus, Reed, and even Virus all have plans to venture through New York city around the same time I do. To me that very concept seems fixed, as these numbers that are everywhere in my life are the zip-code. How long with seven eighteen haunt me? This ending is the most likily then any of the other thirteen because it's what I want. Not for the answers. Not for Jason's will. Not for my friends. Because, it's destiny and you can't avoid destiny.

The End
No matter which path my story takes it will still be the end, even if all of the above happens. All of the trees could burn down leaving room for a tree with every path. I could become an author, visit Virus, and go to NYU while developing a psychic energy. Endings are hard though, hard to get just right. Through graduation and turns of events it seems like every character in my little tale will be in the same place at the same time. Whatever my fate is - destiny is at play.

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