Saturday, February 21, 2015

It's My Personality, I Promise

For some reason I enjoy writing and taking pictures plus have a knack for being a goody two shoes. For a moment there I even wanted to be a teacher - Just like my mother. Most of my personality is almost the same as hers was prior to my step dad and still is in many ways. That in itself is a scary thought, you never want to become your parents. Because, it means you're not your own person at all. It means I'm just a remix of the same tastes, skills, and details of my parents. It's my personality guys not hers!

Of course I stray a little bit away from her with my mental disabilities but those have nearly nothing to do with my personality. My sense of character is all I have but now I can't help but wonder if I'm the way I am because of her. If my tastes and likes aren't at all impacted by me. So it turns out I'm not very original at all. Except actually I am very much my own person by one simple big reason, something my mother hasn't done.

I'm going to do something with my talents!
My mom threw in the towel before the battle even started, having me halfway through college and dropping out in order to take care of me. That trampled her dream of ever becoming a teacher but instead a sectary which as you guys know she ruined by stealing money from the school. I knew she had to do it in order to pay for food on the table, with my dad not working and spending it, but I wish she never did it. Then again, it's that situation that gave me the right push away from her when I was unable to let go. Except where she made sacrifices for me my roadblock would be more difficult to work through. If I cannot hold onto my sanity I won't be able to fulfil my dreams. For insanity is the scariest thing in the world.
Of course I'm not my parents, what am I talking about? In my own way I'm my own person. So I may be considering mixing music and finding playlists for people... that doesn't make me a DJ like my dad. So my best friend and I share a lot of the same interests. So, what half the shows I watch are because people showed me them?
...Basically if you haven't picked it up by now I'm making a very valid point. We aren't our own person at all, we're just pieces of other people rubbed together in one mix. The more you're around someone the more you act like them after all. The reason I find the most similarities with my parents and my friend is because I spent the most time with them. For every person you meet slightly alters your personality.
The next person you high five, say hello to, or have some sort of interaction will somewhat impact your life. So it's best to do the same and don't be a butt because then everyone will become a butt. It's the circle of life.

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