Friday, April 8, 2016

Down Into Looney Town

Now that Jason is gone things have been a little better. I'm doing much better in school, being more social, and are overall happier. Despite this I'm having more and more side effects from all my medication that it's making life somewhat tough. Apparently, I'm doing some weird things with my tongue and I'm blowing up into the air which I just noticed this past week. I'm rocking back and forth, I've become somewhat used to it, but it still bothers me when I think about it. And, I have the NEED to pace more often then ever. Even though Jason is gone I'm still hallucination and having panic attacks so I'm unsure if this medication is really worth it? But, I can't go off them and risk Jason coming back.

I haven't blogged in a while, but I'm thinking of starting up a new series of theories that explain some of the consistencies that happened in my life, Like, the tale of the traveling jacket. I have a few that somewhat make sense and that somewhat scares me so I need to share them as I can't keep them in my head any longer. So expect a new set of blogs this summer.